Je suis Sweden

#prayforsweden #lastnightinswweden #jesuissweden

Holy crap!

Chiming in: “Why de-ba’athification was a bad idea?”

Because they had no-one to fill the vacuum. Remove Baath – and who are the people with the know-how to run several systems? Basically, US should have – as a bare minimum – supplanted at least tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people to do the job.
Its pretty simplistically dumb to postulate every bloody official spends 24/7 obsessing over total bloody recall style annihilation. Majority actually thinks about upcoming lunch options, family betterment and very boring work.

Baltics didn’t do it after regaining independence from Soviet bloody SSR. Now, imagine the opposite…

It was one of those rare moments I went “no, this is not.. they can’t possibly have that stupid people in charge… not bloody happening…” and regret about not writing a very sternly worded letter to WH, with all the negligent chance of it ever getting read.

But having other issues to occupy me, I had decided that there “must be” competence enough at least in advisory capacity. Well, you know the outcome.
Quite mimics the current confirmations with banners “one good republican” needed.

I stopped being surprised about rising dumbism in states after Time had to do that front cover of “How can 59 million…” DeVos, Sessions and Bannon are just symptoms.

And that you plot a major military invasion that is major in a global scale, making decisions that literally affect millions without a single person having neither balls nor ovaries to ask the most elementary question of “Ok, if we do that, what will it mean and what consequences it will have?” translates to worse management that an average non-profit can do.

What the hell was that? Confusing 1 with many zeroes to 1? That if there is now a president with possible reading challenges, there then was a full cabinet with the inability to grasp the concept of zero?

Incompetence of galactic proportions summed by words of a classic: stupid is as stupid does.


See on hea, et leidub inimesi, kes hoiavad alal kuvandit normaalsest mitte-eestlasest.

Kremli propaganda räägib USA ning EU ajupesust, fašistide mõjutamisest ja tagakiusamisest. Räägitakse inimestest nagu valmis idiootidest, igasuguse lootuseta iseseisvale ajutegevusele väljaspool vegetatiivset närvisüsteemi. Puhas ühepartei-mentaliteet, eksole.

Ja siis tuleb Memorandum14. Inimestel on oma arvamus, mis julgeb erineda kellegi teise arvamusest isegi siis, kui on ette teada, et kellelgi tuleb raudselt ütlemist. Nagu ei olekski CCCP, vaid Vabariik, partei asemel põhiõigused ja vabadus.

Ütle mulle, kes on sinu sõbrad ja ma ütlen,kes oled sina. Ja hästi paljud eestlased tunnevadki just selliseid mitte-eestlasi: oma maa patrioote ja tavakodanikke, kes suudavad taluda ka kellegi teise eriarvamust, kellel on iseseisvad väärtushinnangud ja kes eestlastega koos loovad Eesti riigi tulevikku. Ei tasu kuidagi karta, et ei loo: nad on aktiivsed ja positiivsed, see tuleb nende elunägemusest.
Memorandum14 petitsiooni leiab siit:

Jevgeni Krishtafovitsh –
Andres Mähar –
Edward Norton –

Selle võiks muidugi Teeme ära! päevakavva võtta:

Puuduv päästepaat ja vabatahtlike valge laev

Kõrvutage neid kahte tsitaati omavahel – kas pole mitte just täpselt selles kinni: ametniku mugavus ja kallis kraam, mida ilus vaadata enne inimesi ja vajadusi?
Kus on KOV silmad, saba ja südametunnistus? Kas Päästeameti saab ümber nimetada Päästearmeeks?
Kuhu, kurat, on pandud maksumaksja raha?! Õhukese uus trend – läbipaistev?

Ansipit on süüdistatud selles, et kolmanda sektori ja vabakondade inimeste jutule olnud sama vastuvõtlik kui kurt, pime ja tummahammas – kus suitsu, seal tuld. Olukord aga, kus ainus lootus abile järjest enam kandub vabatahtlikele – olgu riigikaitse, pääste, tervishoid, julgeolek, lõimumine, kultuurihoid, innovatsioon, haridus, keskkonnakaitse… – läheneb absurdile.
Meil on Kaitseliit, vabatahtlikud pritsumehed, vabatahtlikud päästekomandod, Teeme Ära” talgulised, ELF-i talgud, loomasõbrad heategevuskampaaniad, Toidupank, Garage48, Hooandja…

Ja nad ei saa üldsegi halvasti hakkama. Kui paneks õige meie vabatahtlikud katsetama ka rahajagamist, tuleb ehk midagi trükimusta kannatavat sealt välja, mh, ah? Seni võiks Garage48 produtseerida esma-ning päästevahendite kaardistuskeskkonna tavainimesele, et oleks teada, kas on lootust abi saada ja kellelt on mõtet seda oodata.

“”See jahmatas kõige rohkem, et iga ametnik oli tulnud oma autoga, aga paari tuhandet eurot väikese mootorpaadi jaoks enam ei jagunud. Oleks üks auto ostmata jäetud, jaguks paate päästmiseks saare igasse otsa.”
“Nii haiglat kui tervisekeskust juhib üks vanemarst ja lisaks veel majandusjuhataja. Ei mingeid privileege, kõnnivad jalgsi, ei ole neil eraldi kabinetti, isegi mitte ametiautot. Kui vaja, sõidavad oma autoga, kuhu vaja”.

Land of the Stupid and First World Problems

Inspired by “LOL, JK”,

Once upon a time, it was student’s fault, if the grades were bad. Once upon a time, it was a disgrace to be a village idiot.

Alas, no more. Like the teacher and/or society and/or parents and/or lizard alien jews get the blame for bad grades, so lies the responsibility of understanding no longer at the receiving end but the broadcasting.

Using technology superior to capabilities of early space flight to comment on kitty pictures. Being an abusive father and family matters’ judge. Utterly stupid comments fro0m senators and legislation to match. Hallmark of Texas fame these days – and not just.

At some point in life children learn to tell apart when an idiom said is not to be taken literally: “pulling a leg”, “butterflies in my stomach”, “dead as doornail” aren’t realistic representations of reality and “bats in belfry” doesn’t mean little black mutated squirrels will come to eat walnuts.

A bit later, shades of meaning apply, flirting, menace, adding insult to injury – all possible only because the broadcaster and recipients understand the subtlety within. Reading between the lines and determining the hidden meaning of what was not said. High times during Cold War, low… the last decade and running.

Inability to properly interpret an internet comment has minor effect on a life of an individual, a wide impact with an official in play and community-wide impact as bare minimum when institutions are concerned. While a “woman from Canada” might on a road paved with good intentions hail nearest representative of law, and share her erroneous if sincere interpretation with said representative, it DOES NOT excuse, exonerate, relieve, or exclude an ACTUAL ANALYSIS from the equasion that must be a standard procedure in a suspected threat to life and safety.

While I would expect any a Canadian to understand English, any regular internet user to be aware of most common abbreviations and their meanings, absolutely anyone to BLOODY USE BRAINS AND ASK SOMEONE SMARTER if not sure on ANY significant issue, the ultimate weight of responsibility DOES NOT lie with the individual, but the institution. This particular case shoult NEVER have made it as far as into court. NEVER. It is a symbolic FAILURE of 1. reason, 2. process, 3. proportionate response and methods thereof.

If the comment was in full as reported, some selective filter should have worked. Who looked at the thread and the comment? Did anyone contact the boy and asked what he meant by it, if there WAS any doubt? How come internet comments are analyzed by people who do not know the most basic shorthand of the lingo and their judgement acted upon by someone as empty headed.

It is astounding that ANYONE would be actually ACTUALLY IN CONFINEMENT over this. And facing a prison term about it is no less significant. When was the requirement of putting things into context removed from due process?

As absurd the whole case is, it is but a speck on a hump of a whale.

The ability to reason, analyse and put things into context is absolutely essential. Whether evaluating a sarcastic comment or a straightforward one. The law enforcement agency faled to do so miserably in first response, that failure was repeated during choosing the appropriate and proportionate (sic!) response and it remains to be seen if it will be cemented in his trial or will the row created in the media upturn it. Don’t you feel safe in knowing that instead of reason and context, someone’s ability to rouse the media will choose your fate instead?

The local law enforcement is the speck, here, and let us welcome the whale: 9-11 times Patriot Act times Prism.

The local police coud have called Justin in and had a “serious discussion” about how to say and not to say something in open social media (“As it upsets the genteel ladies”) and wrap it up with sending a Wikipedia link on Sarcasm to aforementioned Canadian woman. And ALL parties could have called it a learning experience and all that taxpayer money could have gone to station’s brass button budget surplus.

Instead, the public is being told there is not a single decisionmaker at any such level who has AVERAGE grasp of English language and AVERAGE perceptiveness of human subtlety. How come cops with AVERAGE literacy levels are that hard to find during a recession?

So, not a literate cop was encountered in that case. But how much more delicate is the data the rest of the alphabet soup plods through? Would we find a literate agent there? Even a single one? It is not very comforting to know a limitless unrestricted datahoarder stems from the same trunk as those specimens of spectacular failures above. More so for any foreigner, whose interpretation of “sarcasm” may widely differ from standard of USA.

Because that is the worrisome part about this global involuntary surveillance that is not legal, but lethal. If such is the failure level in law enforcement, how much better could it possibly be on higher? Assuming international agreements about e-surveillance will be drawn up and agreed to, it is still a massive amount of data that has to be combed through – and while there has been stories of failures and inability to come up with the right names with the right connections at the right time, not much on how well it all works. And a foreigner has none of the protection a citizen of US of A might appeal to. NONE.

It is MINDBOGGINGLY easy to become a terrorist these days. Own a pressure cooker? LOLd? Have a wit or a chill or just slow to make up your mind? And while an extended vacation package to Guantanamo Bay is no longer the standard deal, you may still get harassed, end up on a no-fly list with no particular reason whatsoever besides that it was 42, on Tuesday.

It would be half the issue if those with the power would come across with  a functioning brain. Unfortunately, it seems labeling anyone a terrorist has become a conveniency measure, not an exceptionary one.Cross a street with the red light? errorist by default. A parking ticket? You terrorist! Business cards, replasing Mr/Mrs with, Tr and Trs, respectively.

Unfortunately, all seems to infer beginners dabbling at “PPT for Dummies”-level. That does come across the same level as illiterates for cops. Now we have MS newbies for national security services and defenders of democracy. Not exactly surprised, if anyone becomes suicidal after these news; one might just want to give up…

The missing slide:

There are many good points in that Guardian piece, one is as follows: “The 9/11 Commission said that America’s spooks had everything they needed to predict the attacks – but it was lost amid all the noise of overcollected data. Since then, the overcollection has gone into overdrive – the haystacks are enormous, but they still have the same number of needles in them. I want my skies safe, just like you – so I want my spooks doing their job well, not simply sucking up all the data in the hopes it it will be useful some day.”

Thw whole point of gathering the data is getting something useful out it. While you’re about as likely as not ending up labeled a terrorist these days, the real ones are out there too. But it doesn’t seem the good guys are going about the business the smart way, quite the contrary – presuming they’d be capable of doing it at all. And the signs aren’t that good.

Technical surveillance per se has been around as long as there has been the technology that enables it. That is not the news here: the inability of designated people, with all that power, to do their job properly is.

Edit: For the benefit of the… The title begins as a paraphrase of “in the land of the blind…”. I leave it for you to determine if there is a winner present in this case.

Põletusmatuse kui traditsiooni jätkusuutlikkus

Traditsioonid kestavad mälu vundamendil ja kogukonna taladel.

Traditsioonides korratakse teatud vanu mustreid jätkuvalt pikema aja vältel, kuni seda enam mingil põhjusel ei tehta. Selle eelduseks on piisav hulk alustalasid-inimesi, kes mäletavad, kuidas see muster luuakse. Mustrid võivad muutuda, vahel tundmatuseni, hääbuvaid traditsioone asendavad uued. Kogukonna traditsioonikandjate arvust ja mälust sõltub antud kindla mustri püsimine ajas. Muutused võivad olla nii tahtlikud, juhuslikud kui ka pealesunnitud, mõistlikud kui ebavajalikud…

Sellest ajast, kui pikselöök söestas esimese vaksiku, on palju vett merre voolanud ning selles põletusmatuse mustris, mis figureerib meie kohalikus kultuuris juba esiajaloost saati, on toimunud aastasadadega mitmed muudatused.

Enam ei minda rannale paati põletama või hiide tuleriita. Inimestel on kiire ja käepärased vahendid on teised, oma mõju on isegi linnastumisel. Ratsionaalsed inimesed lähevad oma kadunukest ära saatma lobudikku ja sarasse, olles ökosõdurite eesrindlased, kes proovivad kokku hoida matuse-, lammutus- ja prügikulusid. Igal aastal toimub kümneid kaasaegseid põletusmatuseid, mõned jäävad kurja vahelesegamise tõttu poolikuks, kuid paljud leiavad tee esiisade rüppe Toonelasse läbi ihaldatud puhastustule.

Samaks on jäänud motiivid: surnu aitamine vaimudemaailma, meeldiv praelõhn sõõrmeis, koostegemise rõõm. Neli teevad aset, kaks teevad tuld, üks heidab riidale… Loogiline, et need kenad rahavüritused on massides nii populaarsed. Peielaua saab pidada sealsamas, vahukomme ja vorstikesi grillides ning kadunu meenutamisele vedelleiba peale rüübates.

Sellise laia järgijaskonnaga kultuur ei saa olla ometi hukule määratud! Ustavad jüngrid hoiavad kõrgel sõna-sõnalist tõrvikut ning pistavad pirrud kahest otsast lõkendama meie kõigi eest ja nimel.

Ma võin rahulikult unele minna: järjepidevus, see läbilõikamata nabanöör, on tagatud.  Pealegi elan ma paneelmajas.

How To Get Hundreds Of Facebook Likes Per Minute?

The answer:  be Andrus Veerpalu.

Some hours ago in a press conference it was admitted his B-test was positive, method questioned and he himself swears he has never used forbidden substances.  The Estonian side shall present their case to FIS and if necessary, to Court of Arbitration for Sport. That debate will go on for months and the outcome is far from certain. As I understand, in short,  it will mostly rest on his test being taken after a rigorous 3,5 hour training session (after which this natural growth hormone levels can rise 10-20 times) and measured by a test, whose validity has been questioned in a field where finding a reliable test has also previously failed for that hormone, and where no reference value as a standard has been set. (whew)

Whilst media is in a frenzy about such an  excellent topic to exploit and gossip about, Andrus hasn’t been left out in the cold.

Usume Andrus Veerpalu is a brand new community named We Believe Andrus Veerpalu – and it has got to be the one with fastest growing fanbase at the moment: there have been over 4 thousand additional likes in the time it has taken me to write 2,5 paragraphs! and it is nearing 23’000.

The supporters are almost exclusively estonians, who look at Andrus with near reverence: triple Olympic medalist, hard-working and modest, as good a role model as they come these days.

Veerpalu has given over hundred if not hundreds of doping tests through the years, being one of the most-tested sportsmen. All have been negative. His medals won in competitions, where his tests both before and after the competition have been clean. No one can find a motive for that someone soon to retire would willingly and stupidly throw away an entire spotless career. He can win fair and square, so why risk it as he’s constantly being tested again and again and again?

Can’t speak for FIS, but estonians find none. Instead, they are showing staunch support for him online (E-stonia, remember 😉 ). Considering the population of Estonia, infants and infirm included, is about 1,34 million (6 zeroes per millon) total, these numbers should give pause to any sponsor contemplating withdrawal, citing doping clause. For it will not be seen as distancing themselves from a doping user but as abandoning a national hero at his time of need.

So, you see – it isn’t hard at all to get over 26’000 likes in half a day per 1,34 million – you just have to be Andrus Veerpalu. And loved by estonians.

Chinese Cruelty To Animals – Tradition, Plain Supidity Or Both? – Live fish, turtle key rings cruel, but legal

Personally, I was disgusted, and I cannot think it could happen too fast for my pleasure to see that seller thrown into a 3 m3 wobbly plastic container with 2 m2 of water, food colouring and a stock cube. You can witness that I am being truly generous here and taking the claims of the seller at face value. For the rest of his/her dastardly life.

This kind of act is deplorable and should have been done away with. Instantly. Yet:

However, “China only has a Wild Animal Protection Law,” Qin explained. “If the animals are not wild animals they fall outside the law’s scope.”

No wonder.

A country with a long, long history of selling animal penises to treat and prevent impotence, a fish in water (never mind it’s not aerated) is no biggie a deal.

In a country that has contributed a definition in torture, suffocating turtles aren’t subject to a highlight.

Hell, if the reason to not poison milk or feed is not ELEMENTARY ETHICS but that the parents of the dead babies or animal owners from foreign countries can make a fuss, it does not just raise the question of what kind of majorly messed up thinking is rampant in that place, but SHOUTS it.

You see, this incident is particularly disturbing precisely because it does not violate, but conforms to the traditions and standards of the community – in this case, the Chinese.

If you have a community where it’s okay to kill and endanger human beings for personal gain, material and political, one should not expect higher standards in regards to animals. It is explicitly condoned by laws and regulations – or their lack, and implicitly by society’s norms, traditions, beliefs, and daily behaviour. And i’m referring to contemporary China, not the historical one. The buyers of these ghastly deathtrinkets are alive today and exhibit current beliefs, are living statements to the contemporary upbringing in that community.

It is 2011, AD. When will the most glorious People’s Republic of China join the civilized world of 21st century?

Is it even on their to-do list?

Löök allapoole vööd

Kõik mehed on sitapead!

Kui seda ütleb Uuspõld oma etenduses, peavad mehed naerma ja naised piinlikust tundma.

Nn tavainimese elu on 4D-formaadis, minu eluteab lisaks 4P: pre/post/present- ja postmortem-menstrual syndrome, aka 4PMS.

Põlvega põhjuseta alakehha olevat alatu, kuid hoiak pole vastastikune. Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi? Vahel meessool kõlbab nina peale visata PMS, nagu oleks kolmest tähest pikema vastulause väljamõtlemine ülejõukäiv. Mine tea, ehk ongi.

“MUMPSI MUNADES, seda mul ei ole!” ütles surematud sõnad Smuuli Polkovniku lesk. Ega minulgi, ehkki mul on mune sarjade kaupa ja ma tean, mida nendega teha paremini, kui mõnigi teine… aga keegi peab ju süüdi jääma ning kui muud öelda ei oska, siis minnakse naeruvääristama. Ähähäh, PMS…

Kui argument ei meeldi või silitas vastukarva, enesetunne halb või tahaks ära panna –  PMS. No tere talv! Kas siis NATUKENEGI loomingulisust isiklikes solvangutes on palju tahetud? Igav, poisid, igav.

Ise üritan leida toekamad väited, kui põhjendus, et meestel see teine aju, mida nad tegelikult kasutavad, nii väike on, et sinna terve mõte verega samaaegselt sisse ei mahu, mis põhjustabki perioodilise kahanemis-kasvamistsükli analoogselt naestega. Et kui pikemalt juurelda, siis nimelt selle tsüklilise süsteemiga seletubki, miks meestel on PMS mitukümmend korda päevas!! (Tuleks vähem taskupiljardit mängida…)

Kes sa oled, et ütlema tuled, mis ja kas? Perearst või? Jajah, mehed on ju NII kõvad diagnostikud, sellepärast ongi üle ühe naiste- ning meesteajakirja juttu, kuidas aru saada, kas naine orgasmi teeskleb või mitte…

Ka mina võin lüüa allapoole vööd… aga siis te hakkate nutma ju ja lähete naisele kaebama. Kusjuures, mitte ilmtingimata OMA naise juurde.

Üksikkandidaatidest 2011 valimistel tagasivaateliselt Europarlamendi valimised Eestis võitsid Keskerakond ja Tarand (08.06.2009) jooksvad tulemused

Eurovalimistel said üksikkandidaatidest teise ja kolmanda koha Martin Helme ja Dmitri klenski, vastavalt 9,58 ja 6,98 protsenti Indrek Tarandi häältest. Ülejäänud neljakohalise häälesaagini ei küündinud.

Jah, muidugi ei ole parlamendivalimised eurovalimised ning saada nõutud miinimum piirkonniti keerulisem kui kogu vabariigi peale. Ometi – mis on põhiprobleem?

Eelnimetatud kolm (suurima) häälesaagi saanud kandidaati (drastilise klassivahega) olid selleks ajaks enam või vähem tuntud. Enam-vähem tuntud on ka parteide esikümne nimed. Aga kes on tänased üksikkandidaadid? Pärnakas teab Soosaart, harjukas Kunnast ning Tallinlane Helmesid, Eesti süda Reinbergi. Kõik. Millest tuleb see vahe?

Kõik eelpoolnimetatud on teada-tuntud juba aastaid, põhiliselt oma töö kaudu. Nad on olnud ühiskondlikult aktiivsed või vähemalt tunnustatud spetsialistid oma valdkonnas. Kes kuuleb nende nime, üldiselt teab, mis seisukohti antud inimene esindab ning mis on tema südamelähedane murelaps. Ehk siis valija teab, kas tema vaated ühtivad või mitte.

Kui valida parteid, siis isegi juhul, kui nimekirjast “oma poissi” ei leia, on alternatiiviks teised sama partei esindajad ning lõpuks võib panna silmad kinni ja torgata pastakaga huupi paberile – partei joon on partei joon. Tundmatu üksikkandidaat seda häält kindlasti ei saa.

Miks ma peaksin valima üksikkandidaati, kelle nime olen kuulnud-näinud pool tosinat korda kolmveerandi aasta jooksul ja kellest ma ei tea midagi? Kellel pole poliitilist tausta ning kes ei tundu tõepoolest esindavat midagi muud peale protesti ning kes jääks Toompeal nurka mossitama kui ülejäänud 4,8 saadikut saalis teevad koalitsiooni? Kellel on vähem pusletükke terviklikust platvormist kui Rohelistel või Rahvaliidul?

Parteilisel kandidaadil on võimalik varjuda ametliku seisukoha taha ning kasutada naabri materjale, üksikkandidaadil mitte. Seega peab üksiklane tegema kordades rohkem tööd, et leida oma seisu- või istekoht haridusküsimustes, majanduspoliitikas, välistemaatikas ehk PRIA toetustes. Miks? On tal ju see üks asi, millest ta räägib ja mida ta hästi teab?

Tore, hea küll. Aga kas TEIE tahaksite Riigikokku inimesi, kel 80% küsimustes puudub seisukoht ja kes hääletavad poolt-vastu-erapooletult lausekonstruktsiooni kõla järgi? Ma ei mäleta, et oleksin kuulnud,  kuidas kavatseb Põlluaas edendada perifeeria majanduslikku arengut ning mida arvab Taira Aasa noh… ükskõik millest. Pooletunnine eetriaeg millalgi kuskil ei ole piisav, kaugeltki mitte ammendav. See ei tähenda, et üksikkandidaat peaks ülikõvasti karjuma, ei – ta peab olema järjepidev, püsiv – ja AKTIIVNE pikema aja jooksul, kui kvartal enne valimisi. Ka tänased tulemused kinnitavad, et pikemat aega meediateadvuses püsinud üksikkandidaadid saavad mär-ga-ta-valt paremad tulemused. Aga – parteide esiumbrid saavad kordades, kümnetes kordades enam. AGA – üksikkandidaatide “esinumbrid” võitsid palju realiikmeid, ah? Korruta häälte arv kahega läbi ning mitmed tuntud nimed jäävad maha, ilma korrutamatagi.

Ehk järgmiseks korraks ma juba tean, mida nad endast kujutavad: mida mõtlevad, mida teha tahavad – milliseid REAALSEID LAHENDUSI pakuvad. Näeksin hea meelega mõndagi üksikkandidaati Riigikogus, andke endale võimalus. Tehke nii, et ma ka nelja aasta pärast viin teie näo, nime ja seisukohad kokku. Tehke nii, et ma tean, mida ma teist arvan, head või halba. Olge minu jaoks olemas ilma kompensatsioonide ja soodustusteta, ilma palumata. Ole olemas iga inimese jaoks siin Eestimaal. Tee midagi ära, saada korda, algata. Ära räägi rumalusi ja ära loobi naabrimeest poriga. Ja mulle ei meeldi demagoogia, kahtlased tehingud ja altkäemaksud.

Järgmised neli aastat ma jälgin sind.